Carlson - Cod Liver Oil, Liquid Fish Oil Supplement, Wild-Caught Norwegian Arctic Cod-Liver Oil, Lemon, 250 ml
May 3, 2021
On this episode I am going to be reviewing a product that comes all the way from the Artic Ocean waters of Norway;
This magic potion comes from a breathtaking place off the northern coasts of Norway and Russia; the Barents Sea in the Arctic Ocean waters of Norway.
It is an especially important region for fisheries. Here, temperate waters meet cold waters from the Arctic, making an ideal habitat for an enormous diversity of organisms, which are well adapted to the extreme conditions of what is one of Europe's last large, clean and relatively undisturbed marine ecosystems.
[Cod liver was first used in medicine in 1789, to treat rheumatism.]
People living in parts of northern Europe have been using cod liver oil, for centuries, as an immunity booster, especially during the dark long winters. They have also used cod liver oil as a natural solution for rheumatism, aching joints and stiff muscles.
Cod, is a large fish. A cold-water fish, it lives in the colder waters and deeper sea regions throughout the North Atlantic. It is valued for its edible flesh, and the oil of its liver.
Cod liver oil is an excellent source of nutrients including vitamin D and vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids.
It is an anti-inflammatory thought to have a positive effect on cardiovascular, bone, eye, and brain health, helps with diabetes and repairs damaged teeth, nails, hair, and skin.
The Ingredients
Cod liver fish oil is one of nature’s richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids; it contains two omega-3s called DHA and EPA.
The cod gets their omega 3s fatty acids from eating phytoplankton, which in
turn absorb microalgae which is the original source of omega 3 fatty acids.
[EPA= eicosapentaenoic acid]
[DHA= docosahexaenoic ACID]
Omega-3s are considered “essential” because our body can’t make them, so we must obtain them from food. The best sources of omega-3s are oil-rich fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, trout and sardines, and shellfish, such as mussels, oysters and crabs.
Your body needs omega-3 fatty acids for many functions;
Fatty acids serve as energy for the muscles, heart, and other organs as building blocks for cell membranes and as energy storage for the body.
Every single body cell needs fat. Fats such as omega-3 fatty acids, will promote skin health, increase vitamin and mineral absorption, and boost the immune system.
To reach optimal levels of omega-3s, the American Heart Association recommends at least two 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish per week. Since most of us don’t consume this amount of fish, a supplement may be a great option.
Omega 3’s and Inflammation
Due to their natural anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3s are often used to treat a variety of symptoms naturally, from heart disease to arthritis pain.
There are many studied benefits of omega-3 foods or supplements, including protecting and improving heart health, [battling mental decline], reducing inflammation, [fighting autoimmune diseases], lowering cancer risk, supporting the growth of healthy bones and joints, [improving sleep quality], [benefiting child growth and development, fighting menstrual pain], lowering the risk of macular degeneration, and improving skin health.
The problem is that the vast majority of Americans have an imbalance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats in their diet. Omega-6 fats aren’t necessarily bad for you, but if they are consumed in large amounts without omega-3s, they cause inflammation, which is at the root of most diseases.
A healthy ratio is ideally around 2:1 omega-6 to omega-3 fats
Omega-3 deficiency is on the rise because of the overconsumption of processed foods, fast or fried foods that contain refined vegetable oils (like soybean oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil and corn oil) filled with omega-6s. Supplementing with omega-3-rich cod liver oil is one way to lower inflammation and tip your fatty acid ratio back in favor of better health.
Boosts Reproductive Health and Infant Development
Omega-3 fatty acids are important for reproductive health and ideal for a pregnancy diet.
[Infertility, inconsistent ovulation, premature birth, low birth weights, infant brain development during pregnancy and breast-feeding, preeclampsia, postpartum depression, menopause, postmenopausal osteoporosis, breast cancer, low sperm count, poor sperm motility]
Vitamin D is important for regulating calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood, two factors that are extremely important for maintaining healthy bones.
Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with osteomalacia and osteoporosis. Cod liver oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin D available. Sun exposure is also important, because the body cannot get all of its vitamin D needs from food sources.
Lowers Risk for Cancer
High levels of vitamin D, obtained from both sun exposure and supplementing with cod liver oil, have been associated with lower risks of cancer.
While sun exposure still seems to be the most relevant protective factor for getting enough cancer-busting vitamin D, cod liver oil may also help offset common deficiencies.
Vitamin A is an important antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress or free radical damage and, therefore, inflammation levels. It’s tied to the prevention of eye-related disorders, supports brain health, helps fight cancer and is important for hormone production. While most people eating a pretty well-balanced diet get enough vitamin A daily, deficiency is a risk for some people eating highly processed foods or not enough calories in general.
The Benefits:
Daily intake of cod liver oil may help prevent coronary atherosclerosis. There are fatty acids in cod liver oil which act as potent antioxidants. The buildup of plaque in the circulatory system is a result of inflammation. Therefore, regular intake of fish oils can help protect against the hardening and stiffening of the arteries and its complications.
Also, cod liver oil, taken either in supplement or whole food form can significantly reduce blood triglyceride levels, a type of dangerous fat in the blood that raises the risk for heart disease. Cod liver oil also treats high blood pressure and helps to balance cholesterol levels.
Vitamin D is important for building and maintaining strong bones. Studies show that women who live in cold, northerly latitudes and don’t get enough sunlight tend to produce less vitamin D, which increases the risk for bone turnover, bone loss, fractures and also obesity.
Vitamin D supplementation, including from cod liver oil, has been associated with a significantly lower risk of bone fractures and might help naturally prevent osteoporosis from developing.
Cod liver oil is a common supplement for those with arthritis. The use of marine oils, such as cod liver oil, has been found to help in rheumatoid arthritis.
Fish oils are known to reduce inflammation, which can explain how older large studies found that pain, tenderness, and stiffness were reduced with supplementation.
Studies suggest fish oil supplements might help reduce pain, improve morning stiffness and relieve joint tenderness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. While relief is often modest, it might be enough to reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medications.
Some studies have suggested that omega-3 oils might support eye health and prevent age-related macular degeneration. Higher intakes of the nutrients in cod liver oil such as EPA and DHA lead to less or delayed occurrence of macular degeneration.
Regularly supplementing with fish oil as a natural remedy for depression has been associated with lower risks for depressive symptoms, due to both the higher intake of essential omega-3 fats and vitamin D.
The vitamin D plays a key role in maintaining good brain function in old age.
There’s a strong connection between omega-3 intake or fish oil supplementation and prevention of cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease.
As a great source of essential healthy fats, cod liver oil can help control insulin resistance, inflammation and manage glucose levels in the blood. It’s even been shown to help lower symptoms of complications related to diabetes like kidney disease. Use of cod liver oil and vitamin D supplements during the first year of a baby’s life and use of cod liver during pregnancy can also help lower the risk for developing diabetes.
So, what’s Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil like?
Every product is tested by an FDA-registered laboratory for potency and quality, and many items in their line of products have received special third-party certifications and awards. Carlson is well-known for their great tasting omega-3 fish oils.
When it comes to obtaining all these nutrients from cod liver oil, the quality of the supplement seems to make a big impact.
Their Cod Liver Oil is always sourced from high-quality, deep, cold-water fish using traditional, sustainable methods.
They only use low-impact fisheries, with ethical practices and sustainable methods. Sustainability means the fish they use to make their products are easily and quickly replenished due to the nature fish lifecycle.
Many fish oil supplements available today are unhealthy, contain fillers or synthetic ingredients, can be rancid and are not an ideal ratio of fatty acids.
One last thing, I had heard so much negative comments about the taste of Liver Oil that I thought I would have to add it to a smoothie or a soup. The taste is so great I take it from the bottle in a spoon by itself.
In case you don’t agree, you can always mix it with a small amount of juice, lemon water, a smoothie, apple sauce, yogurt, almond butter or anything else that helps disguise the slightly fishy taste.
Since it’s not associated with any significant side effects, cod liver oil can be taken by most people in a varying number of dosages. 500mg of EPA/DHA per day and up to 4,000mg in some cases, particularly if you’re aiming to treat or prevent heart disease. Figure out what works best for you, and focus more on the milligrams of EPA/DHA than an exact amount of fish oil.